Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hate spending a fortune on passport photos?

It is not often that one needs passport photos, but when the need arises, it is usually arrives in the form of a deluge! Anyone who has had to file for the I485 or the N400 or Passports/Visa/PIO/OCI for the entire family knows what I am talking about. And those passport photos are not cheap either!

If you have had yours taken recently, you know how it works at the photo shops. They snap your photo using a digital camera and then hand it over to their photo software to do the rest. If you are a little bit enterprising, here is a cheap but efficient way of getting your passport photos.

Use your digital camera to take the photograph.
If you choose, you can use photo-editing software like Picasa (a free service) to refine the photo.
Then, use epassportphoto (also a free service) and follow the steps to upload your photograph, format to desired size and then save it back to your computer. Each image will be automatically sized to fit on a 4x6 paper and will have six to eight copies of your photograph depending on your chosen size. Copy this saved image onto your portable media and take it to a photo-printing lab to have it printed. If you are not able to use portable media, you can even choose a service like Snapfish (listed on the website) to have your photos printed at a neighborhood photo shop.

Alternatively, you can even print it at home provided you already have the required hardware. Once you have the printout, cut out the photographs and you are ready to put them to use! All this for the price (maybe lesser) of having a single 4x6 sheet printed.

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